■ Trained at various centres in India and abroad for improvement in skill for Expanded Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
■ Attended a workshop on High Cervical Fixation Techniques at St. Mary Hospital, South Korea
■ Part of a workshop on Skull Base Tumors at Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Role of Tran Cranial Doppler in Head Injury
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Radiological Localization of CSF Rhinorrhoea – MRI Versus Metrizamide Cisternography
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Prospective Analysis of the cases of Bifrontal Contusion
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Variation of far lateral approach
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Acute Aneurysm Surgery with CT Angiography Alone
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Expanded Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
■ Research Assingments and Paper Presentation: Management of Complications in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery